Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Summer Fun!

Well, I have to say that life has it's awesome and amazing twists and turns. I truly love watching what God does in my life and the lives of those around me. And then sometimes I let the worries of the day get to me and I totally forget to talk to God about things. I go through the day and realize that God and I have barely spoken. In these moments his love is so strong, as I turn to him and realize that he just wants to talk - about anything. Life, relationships, love, hate, why this and why that.... God is so amazing. I love him so much and I know that there is nothing I could ever do or say that could express how thankful I am that he loves me. It's wonderful!
And another great blessing is my family. Brittny, the woman I am marrying on August 1st - she is the most amazing woman God ever created! Ty and Abbie, our children who are adventure loving little pirates. My parents who are always willing to talk, listen and give advice that is greatly appreciated. My brothers and sisters, with whom I love dearly. I have to say that I am a greatly blessed man, and I have seen more in my short life than many 50 year old men that I know. I am blessed. I am happy. And I'm looking forward to the next great adventure - today!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wow! Time Flies When You Are Young And Having Fun!

Well, it's been a bit since I last posted. And life has been a never ending adventure! God is doing so many amazing things in my life - I cannot begin to thank him enough for all that he is blessing me with! I am beginning to feel more like the Pirate I am. I am feeling more like myself. It would seem that over the past two years I had lost some of myself in the busy flow of the day. But now I feel 10 feet tall. I feel grand. I feel like I can do anything. And I'm looking forward to the events that are now unfolding. So many things I cannot speak of just yet. But when they unfold and bloom, oh what a GRAND day that will be! I will keep you all posted........

Thursday, April 30, 2009

In My Head.....

I try so hard to focus on the task at hand, but the music will not stop. I hear so many movements... so many melodies screaming to be put to use. Yet I have no place to rehearse them. I set at a desk, surrounded by other workers. The buzz in here like a massive bee hive. And when I leave and return home....the music is gone. I have no recollection of it. I sit and listen. Silence. Silence. Silence. Where does it go? What does it mean? Should I really leap into this canyon? I see music flowing down the walls, falling like rain, yet I cannot see the bottom. What awaits such a leap of faith? I am frightened, yet I feel the undying urge to fling myself off the edge and into the music.......

What does it all mean?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Well, it's been quite a while since I wrote last. Roughly a month to be exact! It has been VERY busy here in the office, and since my workload has more than doubled I have noticed more grey in my beard! But such is life. I truly enjoy it. Sure, the hair line is receding a bit, and I have some grey in my hair BUT with all the cardio that I'm doing and the changes in eating habits.... I must say I'm feeling better than ever!
I must say that I am VERY excited, as Brittny and I have decided on getting married in July of this year! We will have a Wedding ceremony, then depart on a Cruise to Cozumel (most likely), and upon our return we will host a HUGE reception for ALL to come and enjoy! Exciting times!
The weather is a bit fair today. Much better than last night! I dislike cold, windy rainstorms. I would rather it snow a foot than feel the cold rain on my skin. But that is Arkansas weather.
I must take my leave and return to testing Computer Hardware. One last thought for the day...

"We become what we think about."
~Napolean Hill

So true. Biblical as well. You reap what you sow. And scientific. For every action there is a reaction. Think about this. Ponder it. I hope it leads you farther down the rabbit hole than you would have originally expected..........

Live Love,
Josh Costner

Monday, February 23, 2009

A Cold Monday.......

Well, it was a bitter cold day outside. But I am blessed enough to watch it from the windows in my office building. I am not a fan of the cold winter. Although it IS fun to snowboard in the Rockies. I would prefer laying on a sunny beach any day. But either way, it's a wonderful and beautiful world we live in.
I must say that God is so awesome. And life goes so well when you actually rest in his arms, letting him handle your worries and cares. I like this feeling. It's like I'm a kid again. Running through the fields with my siblings, dressed in old Army fatigues. Ah, the good old days. In a sense, they are back. God really spoke to me last night at The Awakening and I was finally able to let go of many things I had been holding onto for so long. Such a feeling of peace inside now. It's truly wonderful! I am truly blessed. I have a wonderful girlfriend who I am deeply in love with. A beautiful daughter who is my Angel! Britt's son Ty who is just an adventure lover like me. An awesome family who loves and supports me, as well as many, many friends who I love dearly. These are the days. This is the life. My life truly is a wonderful thing that most people only dream of. I am truly blessed.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Life At The Moment......

This life is..... most amazing. Wonderful. Dangerous. This world in which we live is..... beautiful. Awesome. Good. Not exactly safe, but good. Even on the days that I struggle to maintain a positive attitude (which are few and far between), I still find a silver lining in the dark clouds. There are so many things I could write about from my life. I need to put it all into a book. In all honesty, I do feel as if I could write a large volume of books on my life. I feel as if I have been part of some grand adventure from the day of my birth. Although I do not know the outcome, I rest assured that God is guiding my steps and that I am excited to live this dangerous life!

Live Love,
Josh C.